Monday, August 19, 2013

IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers
Today, your Union Negotiating committee met with the company negotiating committee. In attendance at the opening ceremony for the Union was General Vice President of Headquarters, Bob Martinez, and General Vice President of the Southern Territory, Mark Blondin. The message delivered to the company by them was "the Union will not go backwards. We need to preserve our wages, benefits and working conditions and implement the IAM Pension Plan for our members".

Initial proposals were exchanged with your Union's proposal reflecting the wishes of the membership derived from your surveys.

The company presented its proposals, which were asking for "extreme concessions" from the Union. These concessions struck at the heart of our most strongly held beliefs; seniority, benefits, working conditions and wages.

Keep in mind that this is only the company's opening proposal,  so more time is needed to determine the company's actual course of direction.

Your Union committee will continue to work on its proposals and review the proposals passed by the company today. Negotiations with the company will resume on Wednesday, August 21st at 9 am. Check back on the blog at approximately 6 pm Wednesday for further updates. Please keep in mind that there will be no further updates until then.

In Solidarity

Your Negotiating Committee