Health insurance professionals will be at the
IAM hall to provide assistance in finding affordable health insurance to fill the gap between
KSC and our next employer. Those advising us are not insurance salesmen. They are former insurance professionals trained to match affordable insurance plans tailored to your family's needs. There are less expensive options to COBRA. These professionals will work one on one with you and your spouse to find a plan you can afford with the coverage you need. Don't risk losing everything you've worked for. Come, find how you can protect your family with an affordable health insurance plan.
Tuesday, April 12
Wednesday, April 13
Thursday, April 14
All sessions begin at 4 p.m.
Brought to you by your Community Services Committee. If you have questions, contact;
Meri Beth Chewuk IHA
Mike May USA
Karen Houston MET CON
Mike Saltsman USA
Jay Shaw YANG
Carson Yates USA
Murray Caldwell URS
Lew Jamieson USA