We recently received this letter from the Engineer's union at the Boeing Company in Seattle:
Dear Brother Walker:
As your struggle to secure a fair contract from United Space Alliance (USA) continues, the 24,000 members of SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, send our support for a successful outcome to your members. Please use the enclosed check to help your members and continue your work.
We recognize the USA joint venture ties your local to the Boeing Company. As such, we consider you co-workers, as well as our union brothers and sisters. It is unconscionable that NASA administration tried to undermine talks and dictate an unfair contract. The hard work your members are doing today to hold the line will help page the way for every union negotiating a contract in the aerospace industry in the coming year. Several of our own bargaining units will renew contracts in 2008. Naturally, we are watching your struggle.
Your fight at Kennedy Space Center is our fight. Stand strong and know every member of SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, is at your side.
In Solidarity,
Cynthia Cole, President
Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace
Enclosed in the letter was a check to the strike fund for $5,000!
Thank you to SPEEA ever so much from every member on strike.