Monday, January 13, 2014

IAM-Jacobs contract vote

Sisters and Brothers

Your Union Negotiating Committee will be prepared to present the company's Last, Best and Final offer from the company that was presented to your Union Committee on Sunday, January 12, 2014. The proposal will be presented beginning at 10 am on Saturday, January 18, 2014. A question and answer period will take place after the presentation followed by a vote  for acceptance or rejection of the LBAF offer. A strike vote will also take place at this meeting.

We urge all members to attend so you can see first hand what's in the complete package. This is a collective agreement so it is imperative that everyone votes. Don't stay away and let others determine your future. We're all in this together.

If you haven't already signed a membership application, you'll have the opportunity to do so before the 10 am meeting begins. Absolutely no one will be permitted into the meeting if they haven't signed a membership application.

Hope to see everyone on Saturday

In Solidarity
Your Negotiations Committee