Friday, January 18, 2019

Time for Action

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
                                            The effects of the government shutdown are a crisis that only continues to grow as it drags on. Already, as a result of the shutdown, some of our fellow members of LL2061 have received layoff notices with a termination date of 1/25/2019.
          As such, now is not the time to remain idle and silent. If you haven't already done so, I need everyone to contact your congressional representative and both Senator Rubio and Senator Scott to urge them to end the shutdown and return us to work. Please encourage all of your family members(include relatives nationwide), neighbors and friends to do the same.
           There is also a solidarity rally at the hall scheduled for next
Saturday, 1/26/2019, from 12pm to 2pm. I implore all members to make every effort to attend. This is an instance where your personal actions can help influence an outcome.
           Below are links to find the contact info for Central Florida's congressional representatives and Florida's U. S. Senators. Please share these links with your family and friends so they can find their Congressional Representative(s).
            Refer to the attached flyers that have more information about the rally and shutdown relief donations.
              In closing, we will all get through this together by being there for each other and doing our part as a union member.

                                                             In solidarity,
                                                                                    Ed Grabowski
                                                                                    President LL 2061
                                                                                    District 166  IAMAW

Note: If the shutdown ends before 1/26/2019 the rally will be canceled.

Note: Please provide this blog link to all members you are in contact with. We are still building our contact list and your help disseminating information is greatly appreciated. Encourage all that haven't provided their contact info to send it to me via email or text, or 386-846-8671. The contact info should include the member's name, job classification, phone#, personal email & contract employed on, ie: ISC, TOSC, etc...

Congressional links to find your Representatives and Senators: and

n, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-3671