Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Local Lodge Election Results

Elected by acclamation at November's meeting;

President Lew Jamieson
Vice President Murray Caldwell
Secretary - Treasurer Murray Hill
Recording Secretary Karen Houston
Conductor-Sentinel Carson Yates

Elected December 1

Jay Shaw
Mike May
MeriBeth Chewuk

Jim Guppenberger
Mike Saltsman
Gary Steele

AFL-CIO Labor Council Delegate
Mike May
Lew Jamieson
Jay Blair
Murray Hill
Karen Houston
Lynn Beattie
Rob Schneider
Robert Livingston

District 166 Delegate
Murray Caldwell
Robert Livingston
Linda Donahoe
Chris Cassidy
Steve Ching
MeriBeth Chewuk
Rob Schneider
Stan Copeland
Allen Hinton
Jim Guppenberger
Karen Houston
Marty Coleman
Dave Lovell
Chris Raub
Stacy Drinkwater
Murray Hill

New Video from the Machinists News Network.

The video also plays in the side bar player but since it is about us, it deserves some main page play.


Regular Membership Meeting December 1st, 2009

Regular membership meeting at the District Hall starts at 4:30PM. Tonight there will also be officer elections for all of the positions nominated during the November Membership meeting.
Hope everyone can come out and vote.