Brothers and Sisters,
Your Negotiating Committee met again with the company today. DBR Walker, BR Mrdjenovich and Loren Almeroth joined us at the table. We passed across another economic proposal to the company. Most of the conversation centered on insurance. We will meet again Monday morning.
Our next membership meeting will be Tuesday March 31, 2015 at the Holiday Inn Express (301 Tucker Lane Cocoa FL) located at I 95 and 520. Doors will be open at 4pm. Presentation will start 4:30pm. We will present you with the contract proposal and take any questions. Voting will follow the presentation.
We will have a separate presentation for 2nd shift at the District union hall at 271 Taylor Ave Cape Canaveral FL starting at 1pm Tuesday March 31, 2015. Contract voting will be immediately after the presentation.
In Solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee