Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Congratulations to Tony Sasso !

Supporting candidates like Tony Sasso is what our country needs. It's nice to see an election we can all feel as winners over. Mr. Sasso will soon enough need our support again, since this was a special election to replace Bob Allen.

Remember, we can make a difference!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Union member Tony Sasso in Florida HD 32

The Special Election in Florida House District 32 is Tuesday, February 26th. Machinist Union members have the opportunity to help send a fellow union member to Tallahassee. Tony Sasso is a member of the ITF (International Transport Workers Federation). Tony understands the issues and concerns of Machinist Union members and is committed to serving working families in House District 32. Tony's opponent is a man who owns and operates a day labor business. COULD THE CHOICE BE ANY CLEARER? The polls are open 7am to 7pm.

Regular Membership Meeting Tuesday March 4th

Regular Membership meeting starts at 4:30PM on 3-4-2008 at the District Hall.

271 Taylor Ave.Cape Canaveral , Florida 32920

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

IAM Photo Contest 2008

Winning photos will be featured in the 2009 IAM calander.
In 2006 Brother Ed Griffith placed third with this photo of Robert Hemric, during the rollout of Space Shuttle Discovery.

You can download a form for submissions from this link:
(Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing).
With the interesting jobs we have, certainly a member of this local can get featured again!
Get those cameras snapping!

Regular Membership Meeting Tuesday February 5th

Regular Membership meeting starts at 4:30PM on 2-5-2008 at the District Hall.

It is extremely important for all USA Stewards to attend this meeting, for information that will be handed out.

271 Taylor Ave.Cape Canaveral , Florida 32920

Hope to see you there!

Our Skills, Our Kids. Video from BCC Rally.