Thursday, August 29, 2013

IAM- Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers

Your negotiation committee and the company met again this morning and again this afternoon. There is no progress to report for today's sessions but we will continue to press forward.
At the company's request, we will resume negotiations on September 9, 2013 at 9 am.

At this time your Union committee would like to extend a warm Labor Day wish to you and your families. Remember, Labor Day is the worker's day and those who came before us fought hard for it and the companies didn't give it up without a fight.

In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers

Your Union Negotiating Committee again met with the Company early this morning and into the afternoon. Modest progress was made.
Your committee will continue to meet with the company and press forward with our non economic proposals.
Some of you may ask why the pace is so slow. The reason; your committee and the company are starting from the beginning with similar but differently formatted language, Article by Article. The process is very meticulous. Therefore, it is imperative that nothing falls through the cracks.
When it is all said and done your negotiating committee is striving to bring forward for vote the best possible contract that can be negotiated between your Union and the company.

Your committee and the company committee will meet again tomorrow morning.

In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Brothers and sisters all the orders for tshirts and hats are complete and have been turned into the vendor.  I appreciate everyone that has participated in this fundraiser for the IAM Christmas fund which exclusively benefits the  Brevard Family Partnership.  I look for a 2-3 week turn around time before I have them back and ready to distribute. I apologize for the delay but it is very difficult to get with all the stewards who cover 3 shifts and the entire space center.  Your patience is greatly appreciated

IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers
Your Union committee met with the company committee this morning. Even though the process is moving along at a slow pace, some progress has been made on some non-economic issues. We will be meeting again tomorrow morning and the remainder of the week to try and finalize some proposals.
We are still a long, long way from reaching any type of agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement. Every Article of the new CBA has to be proposed and negotiated, which takes much time and effort. We haven't yet begun to propose our economic proposals to the company. We believe we will be getting into that portion sometime in the near future, but that time will be contingent on the progress of the non-economic portion.
Please stay strong and patient during this process as your Union committee is committed to bringing back the best contract possible.

In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee

Monday, August 26, 2013

IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers

Today your Union negotiating committee again met with the company. The company finally began to counter our proposals. We are far from any agreement but today was the first positive step. Your Union committee is attempting to establish decent contract language and will continue that endeavor throughout the process. We will counter  the company's proposals tomorrow morning that were presented to us today and are optimistic that they will do the same with our proposals.
Please check back tomorrow for further updates.

In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee

Thursday, August 22, 2013

IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers

Today a representative from the IAM Pension Plan gave a presentation to the company committee.
Your Union committee continues to work on proposals and counter proposals to the company's proposals. The process is slow but your committee continues to push forward with a positive attitude. There has been nothing of significance to report at this time. Your Union committee will not meet with the company again until Monday morning. Please check back on the blog at that time for any further updates.

In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sisters and Brothers

Today your Union Negotiating Committee met with the company to review the proposals that were passed on Monday. There was modest movement on the non-economic issues but no agreements were reached. No economic issues were  discussed as your committee wanted to focus on non economic priorities.
This is going to be a methodical process so we must all be patient. Your Union committee is working hard and will communicate progress when it is made.
Tomorrow your Union committee will again meet with the company committee.

In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiating Committee

Monday, August 19, 2013

IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations

Sisters and Brothers
Today, your Union Negotiating committee met with the company negotiating committee. In attendance at the opening ceremony for the Union was General Vice President of Headquarters, Bob Martinez, and General Vice President of the Southern Territory, Mark Blondin. The message delivered to the company by them was "the Union will not go backwards. We need to preserve our wages, benefits and working conditions and implement the IAM Pension Plan for our members".

Initial proposals were exchanged with your Union's proposal reflecting the wishes of the membership derived from your surveys.

The company presented its proposals, which were asking for "extreme concessions" from the Union. These concessions struck at the heart of our most strongly held beliefs; seniority, benefits, working conditions and wages.

Keep in mind that this is only the company's opening proposal,  so more time is needed to determine the company's actual course of direction.

Your Union committee will continue to work on its proposals and review the proposals passed by the company today. Negotiations with the company will resume on Wednesday, August 21st at 9 am. Check back on the blog at approximately 6 pm Wednesday for further updates. Please keep in mind that there will be no further updates until then.

In Solidarity

Your Negotiating Committee