It gives me great pride to announce the delivery of presents of the Annual IAM Christmas Toy Drive this past friday Dec. 13th. President Murray Caldwell was interviewed by News 13 anchor/reporter Greg Pallone. The story is currently running on News 13. We would lke to thank everyone that participated in the toy shopping and delivery. They include: Murray Caldwell (helper Peggy Semelsberger), Eddie Cox, Meribeth Chewuk, Linda Donahoe (helpers Nina Gransden, Maryah Stoneback, Chyanne Stoneback), Jeff Estes (helpers Diane Estes, Cory Estes, Emmy Estes) and myself.
I'd also like to thank the employees (Larkin, Lynn, Jennifer, Robert, Rielly, Todd and Georgia) of Target in Titusville for their outstanding assistance.
Through our members efforts we were able to increase donations by over 50% this year! Thank you for conducting raffles, selling baked goods and cooking breakfasts all in order to increase our Christmas Toy Fund. Special recognition for Jody Turner and Ron Meyer (retired) for putting on those great breakfasts all year long just to raise money for these children! Kudos brothers!
This Christmas our brothers and sisters generosity raised over $4000 and bought Christmas presents for 167 underprivilaged children here in Brevard county. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and god bless you for being committed to our community
In solidarity,
Steve Ching
VP Local Lodge 2061
Friday, December 6, 2013
IAM-Jacobs negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your Union Negotiation Committee met with the company today passing economic proposals. Modest movement was made on some proposals but we are still miles apart on your most important issues. Your committee will be reviewing proposals over the weekend and will be back at the table on Monday morning. We hope you all enjoy your weekend.
In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiation Committee
Your Union Negotiation Committee met with the company today passing economic proposals. Modest movement was made on some proposals but we are still miles apart on your most important issues. Your committee will be reviewing proposals over the weekend and will be back at the table on Monday morning. We hope you all enjoy your weekend.
In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiation Committee
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
IAM-Jacobs negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
negotiations began this week with your Union committee presenting a very reasonable
economic package to the company. The company responded today with their version
of an economic package. We felt as if we were in an episode of the Twilight
Zone. The company is attempting to erode everything that you have worked hard
for over the past 2 decades. But keep in mind that this is just the
beginning of the economic portion of negotiations. Your Union committee will
continue to negotiate in good faith in
an attempt to secure the best possible contract for the membership. In Solidarity
Your Negotiation Committee
Friday, November 15, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your Union committee continued negotiations with the company this week.
Modest movement was made during the week's sessions but the Company has not made any
movement on seniority, layoff and recall language, which is very important to our members. Those topics are being moved into the Economics portion of the negotiations.
Your Union committee will resume negotiations with the company on December 2nd where we will begin Economics.
Your Union Committee is calling for a special membership meeting at the
Union Hall on Tues. Nov 26 at @ 4:00 pm. Contract issues will be discussed at
this meeting. We understand that this is a holiday week but we also feel it is
very important that all members understand the importance of where the
negotiation process is at this time.
In Solidarity
Your Union Committee
Thursday, October 31, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your Union Committee and the company met again today. Modest progress is being made, but it is just a slow process. We continue to talk about job classifications and the one thing that is near and dear to all Union members; "SENIORITY". As you all know, SENIORITY has tentacle's that spread out in all areas of a contract. Your Union Committee will continue to meet with the company in efforts to secure the best possible contract that we can present to the members for a vote. We will meet again with the company on Monday and continue to work on the non-economic portion of the contract.
In Solidarity
Your Union Committee
Your Union Committee and the company met again today. Modest progress is being made, but it is just a slow process. We continue to talk about job classifications and the one thing that is near and dear to all Union members; "SENIORITY". As you all know, SENIORITY has tentacle's that spread out in all areas of a contract. Your Union Committee will continue to meet with the company in efforts to secure the best possible contract that we can present to the members for a vote. We will meet again with the company on Monday and continue to work on the non-economic portion of the contract.
In Solidarity
Your Union Committee
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations 10-22-13
Sisters and Brothers,
Your committee met with the company this morning. There was modest movement from both sides on non-economic proposals.
Tomorrow your committee will again meet with the company committee and hopefully will resolve more non-economic issues.
Your committee is working hard to secure the best possible contract for the membership to vote on.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's update.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiations Committee
Your committee met with the company this morning. There was modest movement from both sides on non-economic proposals.
Tomorrow your committee will again meet with the company committee and hopefully will resolve more non-economic issues.
Your committee is working hard to secure the best possible contract for the membership to vote on.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's update.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiations Committee
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Brothers and sisters,
Your leadership of Local Lodge 2061 would like every member to contact their Congressmen and let them know how you were affected by the recent government shutdown. Please remind them that you were furloughed through no fault of your own and that being out almost 3 weeks without pay has created a huge finanicial hardship on you and your family. Tell them you hope they are in favor of back pay for all affected KSC workers.
U.S. Senator Bill Nelson
Washington, D.C.
United States Senate
716 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274
Fax: 202-228-2183
United States Senate
716 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274
Fax: 202-228-2183
Landmark Two
225 East Robinson Street, Ste 410
Orlando, Florida 32801
Phone: 407-872-7161
Toll Free in Florida: 1-888-671-4091
Fax: 407-872-7165
Landmark Two
225 East Robinson Street, Ste 410
Orlando, Florida 32801
Phone: 407-872-7161
Toll Free in Florida: 1-888-671-4091
Fax: 407-872-7165
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-3041

201 South Orange Avenue
Suite 350
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 254-2573 or toll free in Florida 1-866-630-7106
U.S. Representative Corrine Brown
Jacksonville Office
101 E. Union Street, Suite 202
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 354-1652
Fax: (904) 354-2721
101 E. Union Street, Suite 202
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 354-1652
Fax: (904) 354-2721
U.S. Representative John Mica
2187 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4035
Fax: (202) 226-0821
100 East Sybelia Avenue, Suite 340
Maitland, FL 32751-4495
Phone: 407-657-8080
Fax: 407-657-5353
U.S. Representative Bill Posey
Washington, DC Office
- District Office
- 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Building C
- Melbourne, FL 32940
- Phone: (321) 632-1776
- Fax: (321) 639-8595
U.S. Repressentative Alan Greyson
430 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-9889fax: 202-225-9742
hours: M-F 9-5:30pm
5842 S. Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32822
phone: 407-615-8889fax: 407-615-8890
hours: M-F 9-5:30pm
Friday, October 4, 2013
Rally to Protest Government Shutdown Today at 4:30PM. in Viera
There will be a rally sponsored by the AFL-CIO to protest the "Government
Shutdown" that will take place in Viera, near the Courthouse facilities, today
at 5pm. Congressman Posey's office will be picketed beginning at 430 pm. Please come out and support the event, as the only way the Shutdown will end is if WE pressure the politicians who are responsible for it.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Sisters and Brothers
Your Negotiation Committee met with the company again today. The Union presented counter- proposals to the company proposals covering language that is near and dear to all of the membership; SENIORITY, LAYOFF, and RECALL. The Committee will continue to work tirelessly to secure a fair contract for all Members. We are certainly in a battle for our futures.
In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Your Negotiation Committee met with the company again today. The Union presented counter- proposals to the company proposals covering language that is near and dear to all of the membership; SENIORITY, LAYOFF, and RECALL. The Committee will continue to work tirelessly to secure a fair contract for all Members. We are certainly in a battle for our futures.
In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Your Negotiation Committee met for the better part of the
day with the company committee. The company committee answered several of our counter-proposals.
Articles titled Rights of Management, Seniority, Job Classifications, Leave of
Absence, Safety and Health, Miscellaneous and Union Membership. The company has
zeroed in on our core values, attacking our Union Seniority for Lay-off,
Recall, Shift Bids and Transfers. The company has also chosen to use Job
Classifications as a way to manipulate around our Union Seniority for lay-off
and recall.
Your negotiation committee is standing fast on the
principles of Trade Unionism and will fight efforts by the company to rob us of the benefits of Seniority
that we hold dear. Your Union Negotiating Committee will continue to fight the good fight and search out avenues which will bring about a fair and beneficial contract for all Union members.
We are scheduled to meet with the company again on Thursday. Recheck the blog Thursday evening.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Monday, September 9, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your negotiation committee renewed meetings with the company
committee this morning. The committee passed several
important counter-proposals to the company, including Articles titled Rights of
Management, Seniority, Job Classifications, Leave of Absence, Safety and
Health, Miscellaneous and Union Membership.
Your negotiation committee is working hard to bring for your
vote the best results on these and several other important contract issues. We
are standing fast on the issues and encourage each of you to remain encouraged
as we work toward a positive outcome.
Your committee will again meet with the company committee
tomorrow morning.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Thursday, August 29, 2013
IAM- Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your negotiation committee and the company met again this morning and again this afternoon. There is no progress to report for today's sessions but we will continue to press forward.
At the company's request, we will resume negotiations on September 9, 2013 at 9 am.
At this time your Union committee would like to extend a warm Labor Day wish to you and your families. Remember, Labor Day is the worker's day and those who came before us fought hard for it and the companies didn't give it up without a fight.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Your negotiation committee and the company met again this morning and again this afternoon. There is no progress to report for today's sessions but we will continue to press forward.
At the company's request, we will resume negotiations on September 9, 2013 at 9 am.
At this time your Union committee would like to extend a warm Labor Day wish to you and your families. Remember, Labor Day is the worker's day and those who came before us fought hard for it and the companies didn't give it up without a fight.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your Union Negotiating Committee again met with the Company early this morning and into the afternoon. Modest progress was made.
Your committee will continue to meet with the company and press forward with our non economic proposals.
Some of you may ask why the pace is so slow. The reason; your committee and the company are starting from the beginning with similar but differently formatted language, Article by Article. The process is very meticulous. Therefore, it is imperative that nothing falls through the cracks.
When it is all said and done your negotiating committee is striving to bring forward for vote the best possible contract that can be negotiated between your Union and the company.
Your committee and the company committee will meet again tomorrow morning.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Your Union Negotiating Committee again met with the Company early this morning and into the afternoon. Modest progress was made.
Your committee will continue to meet with the company and press forward with our non economic proposals.
Some of you may ask why the pace is so slow. The reason; your committee and the company are starting from the beginning with similar but differently formatted language, Article by Article. The process is very meticulous. Therefore, it is imperative that nothing falls through the cracks.
When it is all said and done your negotiating committee is striving to bring forward for vote the best possible contract that can be negotiated between your Union and the company.
Your committee and the company committee will meet again tomorrow morning.
In Solidarity,
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Brothers and sisters all the orders for tshirts and hats are complete and have been turned into the vendor. I appreciate everyone that has participated in this fundraiser for the IAM Christmas fund which exclusively benefits the Brevard Family Partnership. I look for a 2-3 week turn around time before I have them back and ready to distribute. I apologize for the delay but it is very difficult to get with all the stewards who cover 3 shifts and the entire space center. Your patience is greatly appreciated
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Your Union committee met with the company committee this morning. Even though the process is moving along at a slow pace, some progress has been made on some non-economic issues. We will be meeting again tomorrow morning and the remainder of the week to try and finalize some proposals.
We are still a long, long way from reaching any type of agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement. Every Article of the new CBA has to be proposed and negotiated, which takes much time and effort. We haven't yet begun to propose our economic proposals to the company. We believe we will be getting into that portion sometime in the near future, but that time will be contingent on the progress of the non-economic portion.
Please stay strong and patient during this process as your Union committee is committed to bringing back the best contract possible.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Your Union committee met with the company committee this morning. Even though the process is moving along at a slow pace, some progress has been made on some non-economic issues. We will be meeting again tomorrow morning and the remainder of the week to try and finalize some proposals.
We are still a long, long way from reaching any type of agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement. Every Article of the new CBA has to be proposed and negotiated, which takes much time and effort. We haven't yet begun to propose our economic proposals to the company. We believe we will be getting into that portion sometime in the near future, but that time will be contingent on the progress of the non-economic portion.
Please stay strong and patient during this process as your Union committee is committed to bringing back the best contract possible.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Monday, August 26, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Today your Union negotiating committee again met with the company. The company finally began to counter our proposals. We are far from any agreement but today was the first positive step. Your Union committee is attempting to establish decent contract language and will continue that endeavor throughout the process. We will counter the company's proposals tomorrow morning that were presented to us today and are optimistic that they will do the same with our proposals.
Please check back tomorrow for further updates.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Today your Union negotiating committee again met with the company. The company finally began to counter our proposals. We are far from any agreement but today was the first positive step. Your Union committee is attempting to establish decent contract language and will continue that endeavor throughout the process. We will counter the company's proposals tomorrow morning that were presented to us today and are optimistic that they will do the same with our proposals.
Please check back tomorrow for further updates.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Thursday, August 22, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Today a representative from the IAM Pension Plan gave a presentation to the company committee.
Your Union committee continues to work on proposals and counter proposals to the company's proposals. The process is slow but your committee continues to push forward with a positive attitude. There has been nothing of significance to report at this time. Your Union committee will not meet with the company again until Monday morning. Please check back on the blog at that time for any further updates.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Today a representative from the IAM Pension Plan gave a presentation to the company committee.
Your Union committee continues to work on proposals and counter proposals to the company's proposals. The process is slow but your committee continues to push forward with a positive attitude. There has been nothing of significance to report at this time. Your Union committee will not meet with the company again until Monday morning. Please check back on the blog at that time for any further updates.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sisters and Brothers
Today your Union Negotiating Committee met with the company to review the proposals that were passed on Monday. There was modest movement on the non-economic issues but no agreements were reached. No economic issues were discussed as your committee wanted to focus on non economic priorities.
This is going to be a methodical process so we must all be patient. Your Union committee is working hard and will communicate progress when it is made.
Tomorrow your Union committee will again meet with the company committee.
In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Today your Union Negotiating Committee met with the company to review the proposals that were passed on Monday. There was modest movement on the non-economic issues but no agreements were reached. No economic issues were discussed as your committee wanted to focus on non economic priorities.
This is going to be a methodical process so we must all be patient. Your Union committee is working hard and will communicate progress when it is made.
Tomorrow your Union committee will again meet with the company committee.
In Solidarity
Your Union Negotiating Committee
Monday, August 19, 2013
IAM-Jacobs TOSC Negotiations
Sisters and Brothers
Today, your Union Negotiating committee met with the company
negotiating committee. In attendance at the opening ceremony for the Union was
General Vice President of Headquarters, Bob Martinez, and General Vice
President of the Southern Territory, Mark Blondin. The message delivered to the
company by them was "the Union will not go backwards. We need to preserve our
wages, benefits and working conditions and implement the IAM Pension Plan for
our members".
Initial proposals were exchanged with your Union's proposal
reflecting the wishes of the membership derived from your surveys.
The company presented its proposals, which were asking for
"extreme concessions" from the Union. These concessions struck at the
heart of our most strongly held beliefs; seniority, benefits, working
conditions and wages.
Keep in mind that this is only the company's opening
proposal, so more time is needed to
determine the company's actual course of direction.
Your Union committee will continue to work on its proposals
and review the proposals passed by the company today. Negotiations with the
company will resume on Wednesday, August 21st at 9 am. Check back on the blog
at approximately 6 pm Wednesday for further updates. Please keep in mind that
there will be no further updates until then.
In Solidarity
Your Negotiating Committee
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Local Lodge 2061 Tshirts and hats now available!
Brothers and sisters Local lodge 2061 Tshirts and new hats are now available! The design on the shirts will be the same as the last ones sold. It is the one with the Shuttle and alligator on it. The front pocket has the IAM logo with the Local Lodge number on it. These tshirts are American made with the union label. The hats are embroidered with the IAM logo. Please contact your steward to order yours today! Orders will be picked up from the stewards as soon as they have contacted every one of his/her members. All proceeds will be deposited into the IAM Christmas fund benefitting Brevard Family Partnership. Thank you for your support.
Steve Ching VP
Local Lodge 2061
Steve Ching VP
Local Lodge 2061
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Employment Positions for the TOSC Contract
Jacobs Technology currently has several jobs posted for the TOSC contract on their special TOSC website:
The direct link to the postings can be found at this link:
After clicking the link, select the blue box that says "To apply for employment with the TOSC Team, click here"
The information given at the Town Hall meeting at KSC, was the applications would be open until shortly after the Town Hall meeting at the Visitor Complex. They did say to be considered for any open positions YOU MUST APPLY!
The direct link to the postings can be found at this link:
After clicking the link, select the blue box that says "To apply for employment with the TOSC Team, click here"
The information given at the Town Hall meeting at KSC, was the applications would be open until shortly after the Town Hall meeting at the Visitor Complex. They did say to be considered for any open positions YOU MUST APPLY!
Town Hall Meeting by Jacobs technology at KSC Visitor Center
"Jacobs will be hosting a Town Hall meeting at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex IMAX theater on Tuesday January 22, 2013. The meeting will start at 6:30 PM and seating is limited."
In the recent Town Hall meeting it was said that there was 450 or less seats at the IMAX theater. They also said the gates would open at 5:30PM for entrance to the IMAX theater. If you plan on attending, plan on being there early.
In the recent Town Hall meeting it was said that there was 450 or less seats at the IMAX theater. They also said the gates would open at 5:30PM for entrance to the IMAX theater. If you plan on attending, plan on being there early.
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