Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
USA Pension Plan Participants
In October, you should have received a packet from the USA Retirement Plan Administrator. The documents contain information critical to determining your pension plan benefit. You must review the personal information to determine the accuracy of the statement. All information must be accurate, as any mistakes will delay processing of your claim. In particular, you must review the page titled “Your Hours History”. We are aware of inaccuracies in the process of determining credited hours, which can affect your benefit. To receive a full year credit for each year, you must have achieved one thousand, eight hundred (1,800) hours worked. Overtime, vacation and sick leave are included in this calculation. If you detect errors in your personal information, or have reason to believe your work history accrual totals are inaccurate, you must respond no later than December 1, 2011. Included in the packet is a form for this purpose titled, “How to Correct Data”. Should you have any question, please contact us.
Mike Saltsman 321 794-3925
Lynn Beattie 321 289-5954
Lew Jamieson 321 446-7092