Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
USA Pension Plan Participants
In October, you should have received a packet from the USA Retirement Plan Administrator. The documents contain information critical to determining your pension plan benefit. You must review the personal information to determine the accuracy of the statement. All information must be accurate, as any mistakes will delay processing of your claim. In particular, you must review the page titled “Your Hours History”. We are aware of inaccuracies in the process of determining credited hours, which can affect your benefit. To receive a full year credit for each year, you must have achieved one thousand, eight hundred (1,800) hours worked. Overtime, vacation and sick leave are included in this calculation. If you detect errors in your personal information, or have reason to believe your work history accrual totals are inaccurate, you must respond no later than December 1, 2011. Included in the packet is a form for this purpose titled, “How to Correct Data”. Should you have any question, please contact us.
Mike Saltsman 321 794-3925
Lynn Beattie 321 289-5954
Lew Jamieson 321 446-7092
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Open Your Hearts
Job Fair November 8th, 9th, & 10th.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Regular Membership Meeting Tuesday November 1st, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street Movement is coming to Brevard County
At least two events are planned for Saturday, a day when similar groups around the world are organizing marches and demonstrations in support of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration that started in Lower Manhattan a month ago.
Saturday morning, one group, Occupy Space Coast, is planning a march down State Road 520 from Merritt Square Mall to the Bank of America near the corner of SR 520 and Courtenay Parkway. The group expects to start marching at 11 a.m and stay in front of the bank until late afternoon.
A separate “Jobs not Cuts” rally is being organized for noon at Palm Bay City Hall on Malabar Road.
Come join us.Monday, October 3, 2011
LL 2061 Genreral Membership Meeting
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
USA Severance Recertification- DO NOT DELAY
Thursday, September 8, 2011
USA/IRS Letter
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Job Fair Monday
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Hate to say "We Told You So".
"Russia may fail to fulfill its obligations in delivering crews to the International Space Station after Wednesday's accident with Russia's Progress M-12M space freighter, a source in Russia's space industry said.
The space freighter fell in South Siberia's Altai Republic on Wednesday after failing to separate from the Soyuz-U carrier rocket, the first loss of the Progress freighter in the history of Russia’s space industry. A rocket engine failure is believed to have caused the accident.
"The scheduled launches of the [Soyuz] rockets are likely to be suspended because of the space freighter accident... until the reasons [of the accident] are established," the source said.
This means that members of the International Space Station's crew are likely to stay at the station longer than planned and that the new crew will not be able to replace them on schedule, he said.
After the retirement of the U.S. shuttle fleet earlier this summer, Russian Soyuz craft became the only way for astronauts to reach the ISS until at least the middle of the decade. NASA is paying its Russian counterpart Roscosmos more than $1 billion for crew transport services over the next four years."
Hope our Politicians are paying close attention to the mess they created.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
ISC Election Results
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Negotiations Committee Elections
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Steward Election Set for Wednesday
Monday, July 4, 2011
Award Winning Documentary Film
Friday, June 3, 2011
Festival for Florida's Future
Monday, May 30, 2011
June 4th Fight For Florida Festival at the Central Florida Fairgrounds
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Services for KC Jones
Linda Donahoe Wins Election
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Secretary Treasurer Election May 3rd, 2001
Monday, April 11, 2011
Brevard Workforce & Jobseeker Event
Health Insurance Seminar
Thursday, April 7, 2011
This Friday! Protest John Tobia's anti-worker agenda
Please come out in support of our Union brothers and sisters and all working Floridians in our community. Bring signs, banners and a friend. Let’s show Tobia just who he’s dealing with!
Where: 1905 South Harbor City Boulevard
When: Friday, April 8th, 2011 at 5:00 PM
Representative Tobia has filed HB 1425 which would decrease the minimum wage. He also supported the anti-union HB 1405 which forced state employees to pay 5% into their retirement. This is only the latest in what has been a long line of bad decisions Representative Tobia has made at the expense of working Floridians. This is our chance to let him know that we’re paying attention, and we VOTE!
Friday Rally at John Tobia's Office
State Rep John Tobia District Office
1901 South Habor City Blvd. Suite 508
Melbourne Fla.32901
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Health Insurance after KSC
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Protest Ritch Workman's attack on FRS
This Friday, April 1st the AFL/CIO needs you to come out and
Protest Ritch Workman's attack on FRS.
Show Ritch Workman we care about our state employees and we won't stand by while Republicans in Tallahassee use them as a scape goat for their irresponsible budgeting!
Friday, April 1, 2011 5PM
Ritch Workman's District Office
33 Suntree Place
Melbourne, FL 32940-7602
Space Coast AFL/CIO President
Claudie Pouncey
fax (321)631-0103
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Rally Venue
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Volunteers Needed/ Rally for Public Sector Employees
Sunday, March 13, 2011
This Is What Democracy Looks Like

The day after Scott Walker's ceremonial signing of a bill stripping collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin's public employees, tens of thousands of protestors once again filled the Capitol Square Saturday. "Kill the bill" was no longer heard, but a new chant rose to take its place: "What's the word? Kloppenburg!"
Although they lost a battle in the legislature, pro-union protestors have pledged to win the middle class war. Their newest slogans centered around this goal, urging protesters to recall the eight eligible Senate Republicans, and to vote JoAnne Kloppenburg to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
To that end, clipboard-wielding activists commandeered a Carroll Street bus shelter, urging protestors parading past to sign (if they hadn't already) their senator's recall petition. "Vote for Kloppenburg" signs suddenly became a ubiquitous fixture of the protest landscape.
Overall, the rally looked to be the biggest yet, with Madison police estimating a crowd size of 85,000-100,000.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Thunderous Sound.......The Death Of Democracy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Awake The State Rally Results
Monday, March 7, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Brevard Awake The State Rally March 8th 2011
Awake The State Website
Brevard's "Awake The State" event will be held Tuesday, March 8th to coincide with the opening of the Florida Legislative Session @ the School Board Headquaters, located at 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL 32940.
We will gather together at 4:30pm with the Rally and Speakers beginning at 5:00pm. Invited Speakers include Teachers, City Council Members, Mayors, Union Leaders and Members, Parents, Disability Advocates, Elderly Advocates, and ALL of those members of the Affected Communities!
Please remember that this is an event to wake up our STATE Legislators so that they will do the PEOPLE'S work in Tallahassee this session. We are asking everyone to make their protest signs relevant to what is being affected by the actions of those creating the laws in Tallahassee! It's time for US to let our Legislators know, once and for all, that WE are the ULTIMATE Bosses and WE WILL "AWAKE THE STATE"!
Event Location
Brevard County Public Schools
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940
Monday, February 28, 2011
Regular Membership Meeting, Secretary Treasurer Nominations March 1st 2011
Meeting starts at 4:30PM with a stewards meeting to be held directly after the regular membership meeting.
271 Taylor Avenue
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920-3025
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Secretary Treasurer Election
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Brevard Workforce Aerospace Workforce Transition Program
The Aerospace Workforce Transition Program provides programs and services to help aerospace workers transition smoothly from Space Shuttle/Constellation jobs to new employment both inside and outside of aerospace. Our mission is to help workers begin now to make a plan for their post-shuttle career by providing skills assessment, resume support, workshops, educational resources, career planning, training and support resources.
As instructions on Brevard Workforce's website, you must ALSO register with:
If you are having trouble using either websites to register or need hands-on assistance for any reason, call 321-394-0556. They will be happy to assist you in registering or with questions concerning AWT programs.
Brevard Workforce also has a mobile van where you can go for assistance. Here is the schedule for February:
Brevard Workforce Express
February Schedule
Feb 2: Special Event No Public Access
Feb 3: 9am-3:30pm NSLD
Feb 9: 8am-3:30pm Logistics
Feb 10: 8am-3:30pm OPF
Feb 16: 9am-3:30pm NSLD
Feb 17: 8am-3:30pm USA- Titusville
Feb 23: 8am-3:30pm Logistics
Feb 24: 8am-3:30pm OPF
They also have several offices in Brevard County and at locations onsite at KSC(By appointment NASA Headquarters Building Room 1474).
Remember, visits to AWT offices or mobile locations are on the employees own personal time. This also includes registering online, which must also be done on the employees own personal time.
Don't sit idle on the sideline thinking you will not need services, be proactive in protecting your own future. Brevard Workforce's AWT program can only help you if you seek help before lay-off. With the end of the Shuttle program, none of us should feel our job(s) are secure. Assume you need assistance and REGISTER now.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Brevard Workforce Resume & Interviewing Help Class
Friday, January 7, 2011
I.A.M NATIONAL 401(K) PLAN USA Participants
As per the collective barganing agreement, USA has terminated participation in our optional I.A.M National 401(k) plan. Currently, Prudential Retirement is the plan administrator. You may contact them at 1-877-778-2100 reguarding your account.
At this time Prudential is still showing the accounts as active as they have not been updated on the status of USA's servicing termination. Information I received via phone by customer service, was that as long as I am employed by USA, the money cannot be rolled or cashed out. The agent informed me when the status changed from "Active-Eligible for Ctbs" to "terminated" I could then move the funds. They also did not know if or when the status will change since USA has not notified them of any changes in plan participation. If you are a participant in the optional 401(k) plan be sure Prudential has your current address and contact information, which you can update on their website.
Future updates will be posted here on the blog as the information becomes available.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
In order for the build to be a success we need a few things: time, heart, and supplies. This is a community effort, and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and LifeStyle Homes know that we can’t do this without the great people of the Space Coast. There are many ways to get involved with this project, just look below.
Our Local is full of members with the exact skills they are looking for and this is a nice way to give back to our community by volunteering to help. In the link above there is a sign-up form for skilled and unskilled workers to sign up to help. The shifts appear to be 6 hours long with multiple start times and days to conform to most every schedule.