Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Your Negotiating Committee is still revising our existing contract to reflect proposed changes. We hope to complete it in the coming days. In an effort for transparency, the committee will be at the union hall sunday April 5, 2009 between the hours of 8:30 to 9:30am to hand out copies of ALL significant changes. Please note, for cost containment purposes, we will not included typos or normal replacement language (i.e. JBOSC to ISC) We will then go to the Radisson to set up for the ratification vote.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Your Negotiating Committee met with representatives of EG&G, Yang and Sierra Lobo this morning. After several rounds of intense negotiating we have tentatively agreed on a contract we feel is fair and just for all our members. We will meet again tomorrow to assemble a revised contract for members consideration. The ratification meeting will be April 5, 2009 at the Radisson in Cape Canaveral at 10 am. More information will be posted on tomorrows blog.


Your Negotiating Committee

Friday, March 27, 2009


Your committee met again with company representatives. A lot of progress has been achieved through mutual agreement and difficult negotiating. We feel we are close to reaching a contract for your consideration. Have a great weekend!


Your Negotiating Committee

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Your negotiating committee met again today with company representatives. We are currently engaged in economic issues which are moving slowly. Due to difficulties finding a meeting place large enough for our group, contract ratification is scheduled for sunday April 5, 2009 at the Raddison in Cape Canaveral. The meeting will commence at 10a.m. sharp! The polls will open immediately after discussion ceases. Voting will continue until the last member present has voted. ONLY MEMBERS WILL BE ADMITTED. Please share this information with all your coworkers so everyone will have a voice in this vote!

S C Jones, Gov't Contracting Resources/CMT, InDyne Inc. and IHA negotiations are in progress and on time. Contract ratifications for these groups will be held at the union hall on April 5 at a time yet to be announced.


Your Negotiating Committee

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Your Negotiations Committee met again with company representatives this morning. We have had extended conversations over our proposals and theirs. Further review is needed to reach an agreement on several issues. Trust in your committee for we have the greater good for ALL our members in our hearts and minds.


Your Negotiating Committee

Monday, March 23, 2009


Your negotiations committee reconvened meetings with management early this morning. Management presented their economic counter proposals. Although we found common ground on several proposals and tentatively agreed upon them, we are miles apart on significant issues important to our members according to our surveys. It is our sincere hope that we are able to close the gap soon so that each side feels they have accomplished their mission. Stay United! Together we can go to the moon and beyond....


Your Negotiating Committee

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Happy St Pattys Day to all our brothers and sisters! Your Negotiating Committee met again with representatives of signatory companies today. We were successful in whittling down to just a couple of remaining language issues. The Union presented our economic proposals to management. After a brief rundown by DBR Johnny Walker we concluded for the day. We will reconvene next monday March 23, 2009

In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee

Monday, March 16, 2009


Your Negotiating Committee reconvened today to attempt to resolve final contract language issues. Unfortunately a couple of issues have been bantered back and forth, language added and deleted, without successful resolution. We will reconvened tomorrow morning and hope to agree on remaining non economic issues so that we can move forward in the negotiations process. Keep the faith brothers and sisters! GO DISCOVERY!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Godspeed and Good Luck to Discovery!

Launch is set for 7:43PM EST and so far everthing is running smooth. LL2061 would like to wish the crew of Discovery a safe and happy journey to the I.S.S.

For updates visit www.floridatoday.com.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Your negotiations committee met with management representatives again today. We are whittling down to the final few stumbling blocks, inclusive of the maximum work time policy and addressing current workplace issues. We hope to wrap up in the coming week all non economic issues. Negotiations will resume next monday March 16, 2009.


Your Negotiating Committee

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Negotiations Update 3/12/09

Your negotiations committee, along with DBR Johnny Walker and Nick Mrdjenovich, met again for yet another full day with management. We are very close to resolving all non economic issues. We will meet again tomorrow and hope to resolve all remaining contractual language. Show your strength…….show your UNITY! GO I.A.M!

Your Negotiations Committee

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Negotiations Update

Your Negotiations Committee, along with DBR Johnny Walker and Business Rep. Nick Mrdjenovich, met again with management representatives today. We reviewed contract language mutually agreed upon and noted as such. We also discussed contract language we could not agree upon, presented our counter proposals and reasons for opposition. Lively discussion ensued. Our next meeting is this thursday March, 12, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009



Your negotiations committee met again today to review company non economic proposals in preparation for our next meeting. Numerous articles are under review for change and/or further clarification. Our next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

For those of our members who don’t know everyone on your negotiations committee, we are led by DBR Johnny Walker, VP Murray Caldwell, Linda Donahoe, Jay Shaw, Phil McPherson and Steve Ching. We all thank you for your endorsement and votes of confidence.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Your Negotiations Committee, DBR Johnny Walker and Bus. Rep. Nick Mrdjenovich reconvened negotiations with management representatives today. The company responded to our non economic proposals and then presented their non economic proposals. We approach them with cautious optimism. Your committee will work in the days ahead to throughly review their proposals and try and find common ground we can agree on. We are scheduled to meet again early next week.


Your Negotiations Committee

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Negotiations Update 3/5/09


Your Negotiating Committee convened our first meeting with representatives from EG&G, Yang, and Sierra Lobo. We opened negotiations by formally presenting our non economic proposals to management. We had good discussion on many items. We will be reconvening tomorrow at 10 am and look forward to managements response to our proposals. Stay strong in solidarity!

Your Negotiations Committee

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

EGG/SIERRA LOBO/YANG Contract Updates by Email

If you wish to receive email updates during contract negotiations, simply use the box at the upper right of this page to sign up. The service is setup to mail updates to you whenever this webpage is updated with new content/information. You will sign up through Feedblitz but be assured they do not send you spam, the service they provide simply emails you when this page is updated. We ask that you use a home email address and not any work provided addresses.
Many cellular providers also provide email to cell phones, you may want to check with your service to see if you can receive email via cell phone.

You should receive email updates within 30 minutes of the page being updated. Be sure to tell your co-workers about the blog and the email service, so that we can all stay better informed.

Well informed members during these crucial negotiations is our goal.

EGG/SIERRA LOBO/YANG Negotiations Update

We met with DBR Johnny Walker and BR Nick Mrdjenovitch to finalize our proposals.
Lengthy discussion followed every Article and Proposal. Meetings with the company will
commence this week. We all look forward to representing you and getting you a fair


Your Negotiating Committee

March 2, Negotiations Committee Update

The negotiating committee would like to thank our membership for their very strong support
in the strike sanction vote. The results show a high level of solidarity and resolve which we will
carry throughout the collective bargaining process. We sincerely thank each and every
member for their trust and vote of solidarity. Be union, stay united.


Your Negotiating Committee