Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tiger Team 1592

At the December regular meeting , we received this letter with a video CD from Tiger Team 1592 . We would like to thank Team 1592 for their hard work and congratulate them on a fine job . Young women and men with the patience and skills to build these machines are what this country needs . Local 2061 knows that these talented students will one day be our future , and we are very proud of what they have accomplished .

Good Luck in the future and Thanks again for doing a fantastic job !

Dear Union Members,
Thank you for your financial support in helping our team "1592 Bionic Tiger Robotics team".
Through your support and help we were able to travel to Orlando Florida and Atlanta competitions.
In Orlando, we placed 7th out of 50 teams.
In Canada we placed 7th out of 30 teams.
In Atlanta is where we had our most success though. We were able to place 2nd out of 87 teams and 5th in the world out of 400 teams.
Thank you so much for your support.

Team 1592
Bionic Tigers

Friday, December 7, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007

U.S. Jobs at Stake in Boeing Tanker Decision

"In the near future the U.S. Air Force will be making critical decisions regarding the purchase of a new fleet of refueling tankers. This decision will have a profound impact on America’s aerospace industrial base and IAM jobs. At stake are over 40,000 U.S. aerospace jobs at 300 contractors, including those at IAM represented facilities of Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, and Spirit Aerosystems.
Boeing’s KC-767 Advanced Tanker clearly offers the best opportunity and value for the U.S. Air Force and for American aerospace workers."

Now we have a chance to help our Union Brothers and Sisters .

Please click this link and send an email to Congress and request them to choose the KC 767 Tanker .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Guide Dogs of America

"Since its founding through donations by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union in 1948, Guide Dogs of America in Sylmar, California has helped blind men and women recover their ability to move freely and regain independence through partnership with these remarkable animals."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NLRB Protests

You found out on the picket lines how little the National Labor Relations Board will help workers these days. The governmental department that was set up to protect worker's rights now only protects the rights of the corporations. The AFL-CIO is protesting the NLRB. Here's the video from the Machinists News Network.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sicko on DVD

Micheal Moore's Sicko is now out on DVD. If you like Moore's insightful, humorous way of bringing the truth out on an issue, stop and pick one up. Here's the trailer for Sicko:

We all know that health care is an important issue for our families. With this contract, our health care costs rose considerably. It can't keep rising forever. Something MUST be done, on a national level. Our Union is fighting for National Health Care. Educate yourself on this vital issue, and together we can all make a difference.

Go to the National Health Care Crisis page on, and find articles and informational links to get you started. This fight can't be won at the bargaining table, it must be won in the halls of Congress. Let's ALL get involved in this fight. It's one that's very important to our families.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hot Days Over

Everyone is starting to return to work today. Here's the new video from headquarters about the end of the strike.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Press Release

Machinists Ratify Space Center Contract

Cape Canaveral, FL, October 4, 2007 – Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Local 2061 today ratified a new collective bargaining agreement with United Space Alliance (USA), ending a four-month strike by nearly 500 workers at Kennedy Space Center.

The IAM was able to protect and increase pensions for current members by increasing the dollar per month multiplier and extending the retroactivity period for the new multipliers to an earlier date. The IAM also secured retirement benefits for new hires. Both issues were primary goals throughout the strike and during negotiations.

"The addition of the IAM 401(k) into this contract will be VERY important for our future new hires," said Union spokesman Bob Wood "The IAM has 12 contracts at the Space Center with the defined-benefit IAM Pension Plan, and the 401(k) can be rolled into the IAM Pension Plan at any of those locations."

The General Wage Package was also modified and calls for flat rate increases rather than percentage raises. Members will receive $1.00 the first year and seventy-five cents the second and third year. This formula provides for a more equitable distribution of raises among all members.

“It is our belief that the political action by our International, support of key democrats in the House of Representatives, including those on the NASA oversight committees, prompted a return to the bargaining table,” said Wood. “The assistance of specially appointed Federal Mediator was also instrumental in bringing us where we are today.”

“While United Space Alliance has said this is the best contract they’ve ever offered, the problem remains that this contract offer is still substandard to many of the other contracts the IAM has at Kennedy Space Center,” said Wood. “A full defined-benefit pension plan for all workers has been the standard and continues to be our long-term goal.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, CLC, is one of the nation's largest trade unions, representing more than 720,000 active and retired members. For additional information about the IAM, visit their website at

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Congressional Contacts

At our meeting today, we were asked to provide emails for the House Representatives that signed the letter to United Space Alliance. Upon doing some research, I found out that many Congressmen don't have a direct email, and most of those that do, reject emails that are outside of their district without reading them.

On Monday we will contact the Legislative Department, whose hard work we can thank for getting the Congressional support for the letter, and we'll find out the best way for everyone to send thanks to those Congressmen who supported us, and the best way to contact local legislators to see where their support is.

Until then, here's the Congresspeople and their states:

Bart Gordon of Tennessee, Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee
Mark Udall of Colorado, Chairman of the House Space and Aerospace Subcommittee
Jerry Costello of Illinois
David Wu of Oregon
Nick Lampson of Texas
Mike Ross of Arkansas
Steve Rothman of New Jersey
Ben Chandler of Kentucky
Charlie Melancon of Louisiana
Brian Baird of Washington
Lynn Woolsey of California
Brad Miller of North Carolina
Dan Lipinski of Illinois
George Miller of California
Al Green of Texas
Russ Carnahan of Missouri
Harry Mitchell of Arizona
Charlie Wilson of Ohio
Gene Green of Texas
Laura Richardson of California
Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas
Chet Edwards of Texas

Friday, September 28, 2007

Congressional Support

The IAM today released a letter from Democratic members of Congress that has been delivered to the United Space Alliance CEO. Those congress people signing the letter include Mark Gordon, Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, and Mark Udall, Chairman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, and members from both committees. The letter strongly urges United Space Alliance to return to the bargaining table to seek a fair resolution to the contract dispute.

It's nice to see that we have representatives in Congress who will stand up and put their names on the dotted line to ensure a resolution to this strike.

You can download the signed letter here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

405 Rally Photos

Here's a gallery of great pics from the Rally last week. And keep an eye out, because the video folks from HQ were down before the IAM Conference in Orlando interviewing folks, and were also at the rally, and they are putting the video together now, and it should be available here by sometime tomorrow!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

WOW! From the mailbag.

We recently received this letter from the Engineer's union at the Boeing Company in Seattle:

Dear Brother Walker:

As your struggle to secure a fair contract from United Space Alliance (USA) continues, the 24,000 members of SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, send our support for a successful outcome to your members. Please use the enclosed check to help your members and continue your work.

We recognize the USA joint venture ties your local to the Boeing Company. As such, we consider you co-workers, as well as our union brothers and sisters. It is unconscionable that NASA administration tried to undermine talks and dictate an unfair contract. The hard work your members are doing today to hold the line will help page the way for every union negotiating a contract in the aerospace industry in the coming year. Several of our own bargaining units will renew contracts in 2008. Naturally, we are watching your struggle.

Your fight at Kennedy Space Center is our fight. Stand strong and know every member of SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, is at your side.

In Solidarity,

Cynthia Cole, President

Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace

Enclosed in the letter was a check to the strike fund for $5,000!

Thank you to SPEEA ever so much from every member on strike.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Launch Day photos

Here's a gallery of photos of the rat and launch day. Tip o' the hat to Richard Peddicord and Marty C. for the pics! If you've got some pics, send'em in!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Teachers from Heaven!

We want to thank the Brevard Federation of Teachers and Florida Nurses Association/Wuestoff Hospital for coming to the rally yesterday and handing out schools supplies and certificates for school supplies for the children of the strikers. They are working to make sure that our children are affected as little as possible by this strike.

They handed out boxes of supplies, and they have our undying gratitude. It's support like this that gives us the strength of solidarity to go on. From left to right: Cherline Gipson, Central Area Director of BFT, Janet Eastman, second Vice President, BFT, Sharnel Smith, Wuesthoff Hospital Collective Bargaining Unit, and Ann Spencer, President of BFT.
Lining up for supplies!
Murry Hill hands out supplies for Striker Jim Severson for his sons Dillon, Colton, and Austin.

Successful Rally Sunday

Our rally Sunday was well-attended, and there was plenty of food, and the weather cooperated, it wasn't too hot under the Fox Lake Park pavilion, and everyone had a good time, and the day was even capped off with an appearance of skydivers, for those who stuck around long enough after the rally!

Both General Vice President Martinez and DBR Johnny Walker spoke, updating everyone on the solidarity of the membership, and the way forward. GVP Martinez reminded everyone that our strike is STILL 91% strong.

In closing, he said: "We are strong. We believe we are winning this strike, and we believe we are going to win this strike for our families, and our future," to the applause of the membership.

GVP Martinez was joined at the rally by International Reps Aerospace Coordinator John Crowdis, Aerospace Coordinator Mark Blondin, Grand Lodge Representative Dave Porter, and Communications Representative Bob Wood, all in attendance for support.

GVP Martinez, DBR Walker stayed after the rally answering questions from the membership.

Big Crowd!GVP Martinez with Aerospace Coordinator Mark BlondinHanding out strike checks
These cupcakes look GOOD!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Two new gallaries of strike photos

From Lew Jamieson and Reta Moore.

Thanks for the photos! There are more coming!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Picket line photos

From the mailbag:

Here are a few pictures of the 2pm to 6pm group at my gate on Garden St. What better way to spend the 4th than with our brothers and sisters exercising the Freedoms that were fought for long ago
-------- Sharon L. Mistretta

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Haulover photos

Pics from the picket line - hat tip to David Lovell who emailed them in.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Strike Photos

Here's the photo gallery courtesy of retired LL 2061 member Dick Allfrey, and our folks at headquarters.

Picket Line photos

Thanks to retired LL 2061 member Dick Allfrey, who took some photos on the picket line and sent them in. We'll have a full gallery of photos on the blog later tonight. Click on the pics for larger size.

Your morning laugh

A little photoshop fun sent in by Karen Carson. She said "this is what I really wanted my sign to read."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Strikers on Bikes!

Why? Because we can! Click on the pic for a larger image.

Striking: It's a family affair

(click on all pictures to enlarge)

Several strikers have brought their husbands, wives and children to the picket line. This is fantastic. This is a great time to teach your children an important lesson. Striking is never easy, and our families will have to make sacrifices during this time. When your son or daughter asks you why you are striking, and the family must cut back, you can say "I do it for you. I do it so your future will be bright. I want our family to have good health care, and I need a good pension so I won't be a burden on you when I retire. We want these good jobs to STAY good jobs, so maybe someday you can work here, too. We are fighting for YOUR future, and all those who come after us."

So bring them out to the picket lines. Let them walk picket with you, fighting for a bright future. Of course, safety first, watch out for traffic, and keep a close eye on the little ones!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Photo Gallary of today's pics

The photos that IAM Communications Rep Rep Bob Wood took at the Highway 3 gate are all now available on the IAM website here. You can click on the thumbnail for a larger photo. We'll have more in the next several days.

The Strike is on!

Photos from the SR 3 Gate today